Emergent Mind

HyperCLOVA X Technical Report

Published Apr 2, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


We introduce HyperCLOVA X, a family of LLMs tailored to the Korean language and culture, along with competitive capabilities in English, math, and coding. HyperCLOVA X was trained on a balanced mix of Korean, English, and code data, followed by instruction-tuning with high-quality human-annotated datasets while abiding by strict safety guidelines reflecting our commitment to responsible AI. The model is evaluated across various benchmarks, including comprehensive reasoning, knowledge, commonsense, factuality, coding, math, chatting, instruction-following, and harmlessness, in both Korean and English. HyperCLOVA X exhibits strong reasoning capabilities in Korean backed by a deep understanding of the language and cultural nuances. Further analysis of the inherent bilingual nature and its extension to multilingualism highlights the model's cross-lingual proficiency and strong generalization ability to untargeted languages, including machine translation between several language pairs and cross-lingual inference tasks. We believe that HyperCLOVA X can provide helpful guidance for regions or countries in developing their sovereign LLMs.

HyperCLOVA X outperforms Korean models; rivals LLaMA 2 in English on diverse benchmarks.


  • HyperCLOVA X introduces advanced Korean-centric LLMs, HCX-L and HCX-S, with significant improvements in multilingual capacity, training on a mix of Korean, English, and programming languages.

  • Innovations include pre-normalization, grouped-query attention mechanisms, and rotary position embeddings, contributing to its enhanced performance in content understanding and generation.

  • The model showcases exceptional ability in Korean and English benchmarks, and extends its capabilities to remarkable performances in machine translation and cross-lingual tasks involving Japanese and Chinese.

  • Strict safety and ethical guidelines are followed in development, alongside a focus on responsible AI practices, ensuring safe, bias-free content generation.

HyperCLOVA X: Advancing Korean-centric LLMs with Multilingual Capabilities

Training Details

HyperCLOVA X encompasses HCX-L and HCX-S models, marking a significant leap in language models concentrated on the Korean language and culture. This advancement is achieved through an innovative training methodology, starting with an evenly distributed mix of Korean, English, and programming language data. A notable distinction lies in the adoption of pre-normalization and grouped-query attention mechanisms alongside the rotary position embeddings, enhancing model robustness and length handling capabilities. The pretraining corpus, reflecting a meticulous compilation process, ensures a balanced representation of high-quality, diverse content excluding low-quality, repetitive, or sensitive information. This comprehensive approach not only refines the quality of training data but significantly contributes to the model's performance in understanding and generating content in both Korean and English.

Benchmark Performance

HyperCLOVA X's prowess is evident across a range of benchmarks designed to evaluate reasoning, knowledge encapsulation, and language understanding capabilities. Distinguished performance on comprehensive Korean benchmarks underscores its profound comprehension of Korean cultural and societal nuances. When juxtaposed with models focusing either on Korean or general foundations, HyperCLOVA X demonstrates noteworthy superiority, particularly in tasks requiring nuanced understanding and knowledge application. Its performance on core English-language benchmarks further reinforces its bilingual capabilities, facilitating cross-cultural exchange and understanding.

Multilingual Abilities

The inherent bilingual design is extended to accommodate multilingualism, a feat highlighted through machine translation and cross-lingual inference tasks. HyperCLOVA X exemplifies state-of-the-art machine translation performance between Korean and other widely used languages in Korea, including Japanese and Chinese. This attribute is paramount in environments demanding fluency across multiple languages, offering substantial assistance in real-world application scenarios ranging from academic research to global communications and beyond.

Safety and Ethical Considerations

The development of HyperCLOVA X is firmly rooted in strict adherence to responsible AI practices. Through extensive safety evaluations and the establishment of the HyperCLOVA X Ethics Principles, the model exemplifies a commitment to generating content that is not only accurate but safe and free from harmful biases or toxic outputs. This proactive approach to AI safety encompasses red teaming exercises and the integration of feedback mechanisms to continually refine the model's alignment with ethical standards.

Conclusion and Future Directions

HyperCLOVA X sets a new benchmark for LLMs with its exceptional proficiency in the Korean language, thorough understanding of cultural nuances, and extensive multilingual capabilities. Going forward, the exploration of multimodality and model quantization remains a priority, aiming to further enhance the model's utility and accessibility. HyperCLOVA X's development trajectory reinforces the commitment to harnessing AI's power responsibly, fostering technological advancements that are inclusive, safe, and beneficial across diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes.


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