Emergent Mind


LLMs have shown impressive performance in reasoning benchmarks with the emergence of Chain-of-Thought (CoT), particularly in multi-choice question (MCQ). However, current works equally resolve questions regardless of the problem-solving difficulty, leading to an excessive focus on simple items while insufficient attention on intricate ones. To address this challenge, we propose a simple yet effective strategy, Divide and Conquer Reasoning (DCR), to enhance the reasoning capability of LLMs for MCQs, as inspired by human beings using heuristics to first categorize tasks and then handle them separately. In particular, we first categorize questions into two subsets based on confidence score ($\mathcal{CS}$), which is estimated by statistical frequency of generated answers. Subsequently, we propose Filter Choices based Reasoning (FCR) to improve model performance on MCQs with low ($\mathcal{CS}$). Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed strategy only costs 85% of SOTA, while still achieves average accuracy improvement of 1.56% across nine datasets including arithmetic, commonsense, and logic reasoning tasks. The code is at \url{https://github.com/AiMijie/Divide-and-Conquer}

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