Emergent Mind

Octopus v2: On-device language model for super agent

Published Apr 2, 2024 in cs.CL


Language models have shown effectiveness in a variety of software applications, particularly in tasks related to automatic workflow. These models possess the crucial ability to call functions, which is essential in creating AI agents. Despite the high performance of large-scale language models in cloud environments, they are often associated with concerns over privacy and cost. Current on-device models for function calling face issues with latency and accuracy. Our research presents a new method that empowers an on-device model with 2 billion parameters to surpass the performance of GPT-4 in both accuracy and latency, and decrease the context length by 95\%. When compared to Llama-7B with a RAG-based function calling mechanism, our method enhances latency by 35-fold. This method reduces the latency to levels deemed suitable for deployment across a variety of edge devices in production environments, aligning with the performance requisites for real-world applications.

Comparison of accuracy among Llama-7B, GPT-3.5/4, and various Octopus models using different training methods.


  • Octopus v2 is a groundbreaking on-device language model developed to enhance function-calling capabilities with reduced latency and privacy concerns.

  • This model demonstrates remarkable improvements in scalability, performance, and efficiency over its predecessors and competitors like GPT-4 and Llama-7B.

  • It introduces an innovative approach of encoding functions into specialized tokens, significantly reducing context length and computational load.

  • Extensive experimentation shows Octopus v2's superior performance in accuracy and latency, suggesting wide practical applications and setting a new benchmark for on-device AI capabilities.

Enhancing On-Device AI Agents with Octopus v2: A Leap in Function-Calling Efficiency

Introduction to On-Device AI Innovation

The introduction of Octopus v2 represents a significant milestone in the evolution of on-device language models tailored for sophisticated AI agent applications. Developed by Chen and Li at Stanford University, this model addresses the cardinal challenges of deploying advanced function-calling capabilities directly on edge devices. Unlike its predecessors, Octopus v2 not only reduces dependence on cloud computing resources but also significantly diminishes latency, cost, and privacy concerns associated with large-scale language models.

Addressing the Challenges of On-Device Deployment

Scalability and Performance

Octopus v2 introduces a methodological leap in enhancing on-device AI agents' functionality, particularly in executing complex function calls within software applications. This research delineates a novel approach allowing a 2 billion parameter model to outperform GPT-4 in accuracy and latency metrics notably. In direct comparison with Llama-7B, a model known for its Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for function calling, Octopus v2 exhibits a 35-fold improvement in latency. This advancement is critical, as it brings on-device models a step closer to cloud-based giants in terms of performance, while significantly reducing operational costs and risk exposure to privacy breaches.

Efficiency and Reduced Context Length

One of the cornerstone achievements of Octopus v2 is its managerial efficiency regarding context length - a reduction by 95%. This is achieved through an innovative encoding of functions into specialized tokens, allowing the model to recognize and execute function calls without the necessity of processing vast amounts of contextual data. Such efficiency not only enhances the model's speed but also its applicability across a wider range of devices by lowering the computational load.

The Octopus v2 Methodology

Beyond Traditional Deployments

The paper presents a detailed examination of deploying fine-tuned language models on edge devices, focusing on challenges like latency and the accuracy of function calls. The methodology capitalizes on the concept of transforming functions into unique functional tokens during the model's training phase. This approach simplifies the function calling process, essentially condensing it into a single-token prediction problem, thus substantially enhancing both the accuracy and speed of execution.

Comprehensive Dataset Collection and Training

The authors meticulously compiled a dataset encompassing a wide array of Android APIs, categorized based on their relevance and frequency of use. This dataset underpins the fine-tuning process, which employs both full model and LoRA training approaches to optimize performance. The nuanced training strategy not only improved the model’s understanding of the functional tokens but also facilitated a meaningful reduction in latency.

Experimentation and Results

Extensive benchmarking tests underscore the efficiency and accuracy of Octopus v2 in generating function calls. Notably, when benchmarked against current leading models such as GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, Octopus v2 exhibits superior performance, especially in latency metrics. This indicates a substantial leap forward in on-device AI capabilities, rendering Octopus v2 a formidable contender in the domain of AI-driven function calling.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Applications

The practical applications of Octopus v2 are vast. Developers across the spectrum, from mobile applications to automotive software, can leverage this model to integrate sophisticated AI functionalities directly into their products, circumventing the high costs and privacy risks associated with cloud-based models. The efficiency and accuracy of Octopus v2 suggest it could become a foundational component in the next generation of on-device AI agents, potentially transforming user interactions with a wide range of technologies.

Future Developments

Looking ahead, the paper suggests avenues for future research, particularly in the realm of on-device reasoning alternatives to further enhance performance efficiencies and reduce operational costs. The aspiration is to develop models that can operate both in cloud and on-device environments, offering flexible deployment options catering to privacy, cost, and speed preferences.


In conclusion, the Octopus v2 paper introduces a significant advancement in the field of on-device AI and function-calling language models. By addressing core issues of latency, accuracy, and context length, Octopus v2 sets a new benchmark for what is achievable with on-device AI agents. The implications of this research are profound, potentially enabling a more pervasive integration of AI functionalities across devices and platforms without the constraints currently imposed by cloud reliance. As AI continues to evolve, on-device models like Octopus v2 represent a critical step toward realizing the full potential of AI in everyday applications.


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Octopus v2: On-device language model for super agent (1 point, 0 comments) in /r/hypeurls
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