Emergent Mind

Streaming Dense Video Captioning

Published Apr 1, 2024 in cs.CV


An ideal model for dense video captioning -- predicting captions localized temporally in a video -- should be able to handle long input videos, predict rich, detailed textual descriptions, and be able to produce outputs before processing the entire video. Current state-of-the-art models, however, process a fixed number of downsampled frames, and make a single full prediction after seeing the whole video. We propose a streaming dense video captioning model that consists of two novel components: First, we propose a new memory module, based on clustering incoming tokens, which can handle arbitrarily long videos as the memory is of a fixed size. Second, we develop a streaming decoding algorithm that enables our model to make predictions before the entire video has been processed. Our model achieves this streaming ability, and significantly improves the state-of-the-art on three dense video captioning benchmarks: ActivityNet, YouCook2 and ViTT. Our code is released at https://github.com/google-research/scenic.

Framework encodes video frames, compresses for memory, and decodes into captions with timestamps.


  • Introduces a new streaming approach to dense video captioning that can localize and describe events in untrimmed videos without needing the entire video content.

  • Features a novel memory module based on clustering incoming tokens and a streaming decoding algorithm to efficiently manage and process video streams.

  • Demonstrates superior performance on three dense video captioning benchmarks, outperforming state-of-the-art models.

  • Opens new research avenues in real-world applications like live video analysis and automated surveillance, challenging traditional video processing methods.

Enhancing Dense Video Captioning through Streaming Models

Introduction to Streaming Dense Video Captioning

Dense video captioning demands the simultaneous localization and description of events within untrimmed videos, making it a challenging yet critical task for advanced video understanding. Unlike conventional models that require access to entire video content before generating localized captions, this paper introduces a streaming approach to dense video captioning. The proposed model boasts two innovative components: a novel memory module based on clustering incoming tokens, designed to manage videos of arbitrary length, and a pioneering streaming decoding algorithm permitting predictions without the necessity of processing the complete video. This approach sets a new standard on three dense video captioning benchmarks: ActivityNet, YouCook2, and ViTT.

Novel Contributions

Memory Module:

  • A unique memory mechanism is proposed, built upon the foundation of clustering incoming tokens from the video stream.
  • This memory module efficiently compresses video data, maintaining a constant size no matter the input length, thereby ensuring scalability to longer video sequences.

Streaming Decoding Algorithm:

  • The model introduces an effective streaming decoding strategy, where predictions are made incrementally as the video is being processed.
  • It leverages "decoding points" to update and generate event captions dynamically, utilizing memory-based visual features, significantly reducing the prediction latency common in existing approaches.

Empirical Validation:

  • The effectiveness of the proposed streaming model is rigorously validated across multiple dense video captioning benchmarks.
  • It achieves notable improvements over the state-of-the-art models, substantiating the model's superiority in handling both long videos and generating detailed textual descriptions simultaneously.

Technical Insights

The paper meticulously details the streaming model's architecture, emphasizing the strategic integration of a clustering-based memory module for handling input video streams and a streaming decoding algorithm for generating outputs efficiently. This design not only addresses the limitations associated with processing long videos but also innovatively predicts localized captions in a streaming manner. The comprehensive experiments conducted demonstrate the model’s robust performance enhancements across various benchmarks.

Future Directions and Theoretical Implications

The introduction of streaming capabilities in dense video captioning opens new research avenues, particularly in real-world applications such as live video analysis and automated surveillance systems, where immediate response is crucial. Theoretically, this work challenges the traditional approach to video processing tasks, advocating for more dynamic, real-time methods. Future explorations might extend this streaming framework to other video-related tasks or investigate the incorporation of additional modalities (e.g., audio cues) to further enrich the model's understanding and description of video content.

Concluding Remarks

This paper sets forth a pioneering streaming model for dense video captioning, marked by its ability to efficiently manage long input videos and deliver immediate predictions. With solid empirical results supporting its efficacy, this work paves the way for more advanced, real-time video processing and understanding systems, holding promising implications for both academic research and practical applications in the AI domain.


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