Hi there 👋

I'm Matt Mazur, the founder of Emergent Mind.

Emergent Mind is a new resource for staying informed about important new computer science research. As the site evolves, it's important for me to understand who its visitors are. Whether you're deeply involved in computer science research or just an enthusiast, learning about your day-to-day work and what brings you here would be incredibly valuable to me.

I'd be grateful for the opportunity to jump on a 30-minute Zoom call with you. This wouldn't be a feedback session (though feedback is welcome); it's a chance for me to better understand who you are and what you do. If you're open to chatting, you can book a call on my calendar here.

Regardless, thanks for checking out Emergent Mind and if you ever have any feedback or questions, you can reach me at [email protected].


Matt Mazur